Olympic Studies Forum 2018
2nd and 3rd October, 2018 - Vitória, Brazil
To complete the registration, it is essential to send the completed registration form to the e-mail <forumolimpico1@gmail.com>. A confirmation message of registration and acceptance of work will be sent to the interested party's e-mail.
The registration is free of charge.
Registration can be done as a 'participant' or as a 'participant with presentation of academic work'.
Registration as a 'participant' can be done in advance or on the date of the Forum itself, if there are still vacancies.
The registration as 'participant with presentation of academic work' must be done until August 31, 2018.
All authors of academic work must submit their individual application forms as 'participant with presentation of academic work'. However, the paper must be submitted only by one of the authors.
The list of accepted papers will be released on September 3, 2018.
Parallel activities are paid and are optional. Payment will be made directly to those responsible for the activities.
Entries for the OLYMPIC STUDIES FORUM will be available from July 2, 2018, as long as there are vacancies.
When registering, the participant authorizes the use and display of his image linked to the activities of the Forum by the organizing committee.
Download of registration form ->
Academic papers should be submitted in the form of an 'expanded abstract'.
The papers shoud be sent to the e-mail <forumolimpico1@gmail.com>
They will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Papers must be typed in a text editor Word for Windows or compatible version 1997-2003 (file extension. "Doc"), Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing in A4 size with margins top, bottom, left and right 2,5 cm. The maximum length for papers (not counting keywords and references) is 1.500 words. For the keywords, refer to the descriptors of SciELO, Lilacs or Medline.
The manuscript should include:
a) Title of work in Portuguese, Spanish and English;
b) 3 to 5 keywords in three languages;
c) Body of text, divided into subsessions according to the preference of the authors;
d) List of references used in the article (APA pattern to english and Spanish papers).